Thursday, 11 December 2014

We made these reindeer by turning gingerbread men upside down . The eyes are m & ms and the noses are jaffers it was cool making them . 

Friday, 14 November 2014


We did really well at the end of the week.  We were 2nd.  We got an award for being the best class on one day and Keiran was 10th.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Room4 are coming 3rd in the sumdog compertishin

Room4 is coming 3rd in the sumdog contest.And they 
Have been going very well !!! And now it spraing into
them! Yay!!! Asome job room4.

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Irlens Day

Irlens day is today. Ryder has Irlens

Here is a movie about it.

When you have it you get to have glasses with different colours.  We made these cool glasses.

Book launch


At the end of last term we read the books we wrote to rooms 11 and 14. Mrs Ely Mrs Grant Mrs Cope and Mr Treaven came to. You can read our books in the learning hub.

Monday, 15 September 2014

Fraction fun

We are learning all about fractions. We know one half plus one half equals one whole. There are lots of other ways we can make a whole. Can you see some of the ones we have made.

Friday, 12 September 2014

The Fish Tank

Today Trinity and Liam have refilled the fish tank .    
They cleaned the tank because it was dirty and had a lot of POO !!! 

Silvy is better , and now that the water is clean the fish are happy .

Monday, 25 August 2014

Fish fun

We where  so surprised when fab Miss Clark brought her fab fish to school.   Room 4  named them  Silvery,  Marshmallow and Coco.  Silvery is very sick and turning grey  and  white.  The other two are very healthy and they  sparkle we are going to take good care of them .

There very cute . They are super cool

Production time

We are getting ready for the show. Here we are painting some props do you know what they are?

Wonderful writing

We have been writing narratives. We know there is a beginning middle and an end.  Miss Clark gave us a picture and we used it to write our stories.

here is some of our work.  We hope you like it.

The beady-eyed ginger cat with yellow eyes was looking at the mice he is big and greedy and he is starving . The cat had an idea he put his tail down the hole, it couldn’t  reach the mice he had another idea he pulled and pulled but his tail wouldn't  budge . The cute mice chewed wood 1 mouse on the left and 1 mouse on the right they chewed all day and night it was tiring . The mice accidentally bit the cats tail MEAOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Screamed the cat . 1 of the mice said well at least he is out, the other mouse said “yep “. The cat got mad he put his paw down he got both of the mice he pulled them up but his paw was stuck “not again” moaned the cat. The cat gave up and went away with his tail up. The mice giggled.


Olivia S



The orange curly tail cat has yellow and
white eyes.  Its tail is slapping and it wants
to eat the mice.    The mouse got its paw
stuck in the hole.  The cat put a plaster on
his paw.

The stripy ginger cat has one eye closed. 
It is spying and he is trying to eat the
mice.    Then he put his paw in the hole
then he tried to pull it out. 

The long stripy cat has yellow and orange
eyes.  It is spying and she is looking at the
mice. She got the mouse but the mouse escaped. She tried one more time. She got the mouse. She was happy.
Ella G

The ginger stripy cat has yellow eyes.  It is
spying and she is looking at the mice. 
The cat put his paw threw when he pulled
it up he paw was stuck.  He couldn’t get
the mouse. She got her paw stuck in the hole. It hurt. She pulled and pulled. She got it out.
Olivia LH


The big stripy cat has big yellow  eyes.  It
is looking and he is spying on the mice  
The cat tried to get the mice but suddenly
he got captured so he cried because he
could not get the mice.
But the cat got his claws in a net. He wrecked the net and he got the mice and he ate the mice.
The big blond cat has one open eye.  It is
spying and he is watching the mice. He
could not eat the mice because the hole
was too small. So he went outside and got a stick and had something to eat.




The big orange cat has big yellow eyes.  It
is looking and he is wanting to eat the
mice.  The cat got his tail stuck in the
hole. The mouse came out the hole. The cat said “Meow”. he cat made up with mouse. They became friends.


The long stripy cat has light yellow eyes. 
It is spying and she wants to eat the mice. 
The cat could eat the mice because the
hole was to little for the cat to fit in but the
mouse was the only one who could fit in the hole. The cat got her tail to try and get the mouse wrapped up in her tail. So she could eat it. But she couldn’t get it.


The long ginger cat has light golden eyes. 
It is spying and she is looking at the mice. 
The cat fell from the stairs and she came up the stairs and she hurt herself. The cat came up the stairs. He watched the stairs so he wouldn’t fall down the stairs. The mice made up with the cat. The mice made a big hole for the cat to go in. The mice gave the cat some food.


The   stripy cat has golden yellow eyes.  It is spying and he is trying to eat the mice but the mice hide from him. The  cat  got a stick and he poked the mice and then  he caught the  mice and then the cat ate the mice


The orange striped cat has little yellow
eyes.  It is spying on the mice and he is
crying at the mice.  The cat didn’t catch
the mice because the hole was little and the cat just looked. The cat flicked the mice and he missed .The mouse came out.


The big cat is ginger. It has big whiskers and it has a long tail . He was looking down at the mice. He wanted to eat the mice up. He has brown stripes. The problem was his hand got stuck in the hole. The mice put cheese on his claws.


The big fat cat is looking at the mice and he has yellow eyes and he has brown stripes. The big fat cat put his tail down the hole and the mice put his tail in the cheese and put gum under the cheese.



The big fat yellow eyed cat is spying on the mice. The mice laughed at him. The cat put his paw down the hole .The mice put stinky cheese over his paw .He thought he got a mouse. He pulled his paw out, it was stuck. He felt sad.


Once upon a time there was a cat and he belonged to Alex. There was mice too. His paw got stuck. He couldn’t get it out, he tried and tried.


The big fat cat is spying down the stairs to see the mice. The mice laughed at the big fat cat because he couldn’t get them. The problem was he got his head stuck in the hole and there was cheese on the roof. It got on him .He was covered in it.
Ella D

He has brown stripes and it’s a cat looking to find the mice and he’s looking in a tiny hole. His got stuck in a cat trap. He was angry and he was scratching wood.

Thursday, 14 August 2014


On Monday I played hockey it was cool it was exiting. We did dribbling the ball and how to stop the ball.

On Wednesday  a man from ASB. Came and taik a our munny and our wants and needs
It was cool and funny.

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Letter to the queen

We read about the kings birthday. We had some questions so we wrote to they queen. We hope she answers!

Friday, 25 July 2014

The toy farm

The monkeys read the book "the toy farm". Then they worked together to make a toy farm. They did a great job.

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Magic Sand

Kate moved the magnet and the sand followed the magnet and I got to have a turn.
By Madlaine

Black Sand

Kate got the sand on the holidays.She bought it to school.Rachel made the sand move wiith the magnet.
By Sophia

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

party time

We went to the hall and sang happy birthday. Then we got cake it was yummy

Happy birthday school.

The school is turning 90. We made the signs with our buddy class

We put them on the fence, other children made different things to celebrate the schools birthday. Later on today we are going to sing "happy birthday" and have cake.It will have to be big because   It wiil need to feed lots of us.

Thursday, 26 June 2014

HIBS show

Today the boys from HIBS did a show. It was funny I liked the bit when they thew the boxs and fell over. My other favourite bit was when the lady put the noodles on one of mens head.

Te Papa

Miss Clark is as big as the yellow person

The kids are not that big
SG went to te papa with room 4. Sophia liked the earthquake house so did EG. OS liked the squid so did ET.  

These rocks came out of a valcano

We had a great day explorong

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Coke part 2

Today Miss Clark carefully poured out the coke.  We did not want to tip the tooth out.  When we looked the tooth was YUCK!!! It had turned a brown black colour and looked like a stone. Coke is bad for our teeth.

Thursday, 5 June 2014

The Coca-Cola Experiment!

First we put coca-cola in a jar. Then we put Kate's tooth in. The tooth fairy didn't come so she bought it to school.

Then we all had a guess at what was going to happen to the tooth! 
Madeleine thought it was going to turn black.
The tooth might turn golden was Samuels guess.
I think  it will make a mess. By Leighton.
It might Cori
I think it will disappear.byTheo. 
It is going to Ella g
It will turn Kieran
It will Olivia. L
It might turn grey. By travis
It will go red. By ishan

What do you think will happen?

Wednesday, 28 May 2014



OnTuesday and Wednesday we did netball.

We did lots of running. We learnt to do Rainbow passes,Chest passes,Side passes and how to pivot!

We played Rob the Nest.
we even tried to shoot goals!
A really cool game we played is grab the bib from other peoples backs and the person who gets the most bibs wins!